"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the oldest town in Kansas?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"In 1854, the City of Leavenworth was founded as the very first city of Kansas. Leavenworth became nationally-known as the \"jumping-off point\" for the opening of the West."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What did Sedgwick used to be called?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"History. The Company was founded by Harry Thomas (later Harry Beaufoy) Leonard Sedgwick (1855–1931) late in the 19th century as an insurance broker under the name Sedgwick, Collins & Co. In 1972 it merged with Price Forbes to form Sedgwick Forbes."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the wheat capital of the world in Kansas?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Wellington is the county seat of Sumner County, and the area is known for the abundance of wheat grown every year. The wheat stalks represent the “Wheat Capital of the World”, the title Wellington and Sumner County has become known through the years."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the history of the Wichita Eagle?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"On April 12, 1872, The Wichita Eagle was founded and edited by Marshall M. Murdock, and it became a daily paper in May 1884. His son, Victor Murdock, was a reporter for the paper during his teens, the managing editor from 1894 to 1903, an editor from the mid-1920s until his death in 1945."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the history of Medicine Lodge Kansas?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Medicine Lodge

In February 1873, a town site was laid out, and a general store had been built by the summer. During this time up through 1879, the town was basically a trading post for hunters and the Indians. Medicine Lodge is named for the river that is on the west side of the town."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who did Sedgwick buy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Recent acquisitions by Sedgwick
Acquired onAcquired CompanyFacilitators
May 19, 2022Orchid Medical-
Dec 07, 2021JND Legal Administration-
Dec 03, 2021abesim-
Nov 19, 2021Temporary Accommodations-
17 more rows
Jul 22, 2024

The Sedgwick Pantagraph from Sedgwick, Kansas (2024)

FROFESSIOHJLX. CASD. The office of the state fair associa gantagraplt Pentler Badret. Miss Rosa Bohr gave an ice cream. tion is gorgeous with the display of i advertising matter.

There is a large supper to about thirty of her young lot Of cuts which appeal to the horti- friends last Friday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent and all Entered at the prwtamce at Sedgwick at second ela: mail matter. o)ilfp culturalist, the stock raiser and trie 5 speak in glowing terms of Miss Rosa as lover of horse flesh. All the large SB ATI 0 nil JV hostess. citios of the state are being billed and i SUBSCRIPTION $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE.

all the towns within a radius of fifty Rev. W. Weiler, president of the DR. J. O.

ROBIQON, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGFON. Attends call. Office ovel ShaVueka hardware J. n. GODDARD, 2JL DlirSICr AS AND BURGEON.

Attendst calls nignt and day. Office at now drug (tor Sedgwick, Jvaasas. QB. T. A.

IOWX, DENTIST, Ad; 'a Old Office, Corner 5th and Vain Streets KEWTOJT. KANSAS. miles, while the county is fairly ablaze I Enterprise college, preached at the i pleasant Valley chapel Sunday even- with attractively colored pesters in PuKiaaedl Every Thursday Morning-. every lane and Jiignway. Twelve ing.

A thousand copies of the premium list Ben C. Smith, who has been sick for several days in Wichita, came have been printed and of these six CRETCHER BRUCE, Proprietors. home Monday thousand have been sent to the six thousand farmers of Sedgwick county. -Eagle. D.

Lanning and J. L. Zimmerman returned from the Strip THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 184. Every town, no matter how small, is evening. A.

I GREENE. ATTORNEY -AT- LA Wt cursed with the town loafer. A loafer The township Sunday school conven EWTON, KANSA8, is generally too lazy to keep himself clean. This eUnient as a rule is dangerous. Laziness is not only a crime Litigation of tax title a specialty.

I HEREBY WARN ALL I contemplate moving out of my present habitation on or before October 1, 1894. KNOW YE: Up to that date you can buy Roods from me vexy cheap. When I say VERT CHEAP I mean cheaper than goods have ever been sold. I am compelled to do thi for two reasons: 1st, I cannot move so many goods as I have into the space I wish to occupy. 2nd, I must get the money to put into my new steel brick building.

Any change of business involves more or less sacrifice. I Will Sacrifice on Goods For Cash. When I sacrifice Mdse it is to get Spot cash. There can be no time in it. School will soon begin, you will have to fix up the children with all kinds of wearing apparel.

Now is the time to get the goods. Everything almost is beginning to go up in price with corn. The long depression is almost over. We are going to have lots of corn compared to last year. Dry goods is bound to be higher.

Buy now. Ton will have to get them soon anv-way. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION and lay in your supplies. I have sold a number of large bills the past week. It is a common remark by these purchasers, "How cheap you are Belling!" One said, "I did not know you were selling so tion will he held August 29, at Mt.

Zion church. Everybody cordially invited to be present. Avery. See the "World's Fair for Fifteen cents. in itself, but it is the source of all vice, A FAKiULK iu a neighboring town "who corUi txt afford to a dollar for a newspaper, lust week, received a circular lor ten dollars to juaili receipt to keep butter from strong.

Ho gent th money mid' the reply came, "Eat it." Ex. DR. W. L. DOYLE, DEA TIST.

and every bad habit. An indolent man is the worst burden society has to sustain. If it was not that he has to be fed and clothed, this would not so much matter. But worthless as he is, Office 327 B. Douglas Are.

Kansas. Uuon receipt of vour address and fifteen cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Port S. W.Sbattuckv his back needs a co-'it and his mouth folio of the World's Columbian Exposi- tien. the reerular price is 50 cents, but HARDWARE, HSWASS. needs bread, and the industrious part ot humanity must be taxed for both.

as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, ETC. Last week for the first timo corn advanced b.yond the market price of -wheat. Those who think this remarkable shonlu keep close tab on market prices for the next few months. Corn is goiny; k.vward for the reason tha the crop failure is general and tha surplus well nigh exhausted.

Though the idle man has no inclina work of art and a thing to be prized. tion to be engaged in any good work, 137 139 Commercial Ave, SEDGWICK CTTY, KANSAS. It contains full page views of the great he is not without employment. He buildings, with descriptions ot same, and is executed in highest style ot art. We mean works mischief.

He is in the way of If not satisfied with it after you get it, Plantation colored people are often ethers, ne is the excresence of man Just read what we advertise. Every word of It we will refund the stamps and let you afflicted, aa Dr. kind. His very presence is detrimental whereyer he goes to the voung and keep the book. Address H.

E. Bucklen Chijago, I1L tenner xouna old. A lazy man's life is a curse to when traveling lin th south. Their diseases war a nainfnl. him.

It is a constant trial and mortification to all. Burlington OFFICIAL STATEMENT vrr ASD at last after a lonsr ana fruitless struggle, by direction of a house caucus, that body has surrendered its position on the pending tsi riff hill and concurred to the senate bill as amended. Vha action the president will take when final action is taken is still in doubt, with the general impression lhat he will not act and the bill thus become a la by limitation. of financial condition of the Citizens Bank SI will buy a good calico dress and pr. shoes, $2 will buy 1 pr.

overalls 1 shirt, 2 prs. shoes-5 will buy 1 pr. $3 Douglass shoes, 10 yds calico or instead of calico 5 yds. half wool worsted. This is only a small sample of what we will do.

In groceries we are strictly in it. In this line we carry the best goods that we can buy in Kansas City or Chicago. We sell them just as cheap as you will pay for inferior goods. Many of them had what they called -a rami nnaer we law." This waa at Sedg-mclc, state oz Kansas, at the close of business on the 18th day of 1894. find jivnnta on neraonal and KO faBATVATION For the benefit of those eastern wellinc- of the Dam to Id or anb collateral security 18.147 01 newspapers who never knock down the type for printing the annual false Loans on real estate 5,259 0 0 Overdrafts 239 15 hoods about hot winds and starvation Furniture and to ExiMtnftti account 488 74 'A in Kansas, and especially for those who Other bonis and stocks at present value 2.000 00 With $3 you can buy 25 lbs granulated sugar $1 1 lb Chase Sanborn best Ceylon tea 1 can guaranteed baking powder 1 pail Ho-aey Drip syrup.

5 lbs oat meal 00 50 25 75 25 Checks and other cash Items itf maxilary gland. Ha used with them. Invariably, his Golden Relief. As it relieved the pain and reduced the awell-in? almost immediately in every case, they called Golden Relief Quick," ft not inappropriate name. Dr.

Fenner met a planter who informed him that ha would sooner be without corn meal and bacon on which his colored help subsisted, than Golden Relief, which he naed to cure their aches, pains, summer complaints and flux. This Remedy cures any ailment which has Inflammation and pain as its base, from a chronic Currency 1.TJ0 00 (Sold Coin 3,115 00 apply the story of destitution in a given locality to the entire west, we desire to say that Sedgwick county will Silver Coin 231 BO 3 cans Merry War lye Total produce this year 3,000,000 bushels of 25 $3 00 fractional currency 1 Due from other banks, sight 3,311 45 Total THE Mentor man, of ML Hope, has been forced to reduce the size of his jxipex.and discard the costly patent, a ery sensible wove everything considered. He bans no reason to feel ashamed of his paper. There are tithers who will have to follow his ex-mplil better-support is not given. This thing of from fifteen to twenty dollar jer month to a ready print house gute decidedly old these tamos.

corn and wheat, enough for home sup LIABILITIKS. ply for three years or more. Her surplus of beef and pork is greater than entire tor cash. Tli Capital stock paid in: 15.000 00 Undivided profits 13 Individual deposits, 90 Demand certificates 700 06 bronchitis to a pulmonary consumption. Inflammation can no mors exist in presence of this remedy than can the honey bee under the fumes of sulphur.

No in- that of any single count- in Ohio, Indiana or Illinois. Her poultry, eggs, The above combination must be sold are all staple and first-class goods. Time certificates, 1,915 00 nammaiion, no swelling, no' pain, no bronchitis, no consumption. One table- butter, vegetables and fruit supply one-third of the Denver market and Total $35,574 03 STATE OF KANSAS, I spoonful dose is a certain cure for La Grippe. No narcotics or mineral poisons that is the great central market for County ol Harvey, Geo, L.

Anderson. Cashier of said bank Colorado and tho Rocky mountain do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of tny knowledge rod belief, in it. bale and certain never disappoints. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. Take a bottle home to-dsy.

region. Our retail markets are overflowing so oeip me uoa. Gfo. L. Akdkbros.

Cashier. Sold by George H. Mayo. Subscribed and sworn to before me, with everything in the shape of sup tnu zwn any ot duly, lt-y. 5 S.W.SHATHICK.

sr. P. Anydqoy can soil the reputation of 4in individual, however pure and chaste by ui'Vii; a suspicion that his enemies wUi. believe, MnA his friends never Ueiud of; a pulT.uf the idle winds 2au eh.ik a million from the thistle and do a VtUM'ltl of mischief which takes long time to undo. Such ane the seeds of the slanderer, jso eas ly so-, (difficult to gather aud yet so jparnicious iu their fruits.

plies for maa and beast, and so cheap that our sympathetic neighbors might (Commission expires on the 17 day of May .1897.) THE NEWEST COLLAR! afford to pay railroad fare both ways RATT.KO AD TIME TAJSUs. Atchison, Tepeha anta Fe. Correct. Attest: Wm Fins, W. M.

Coxgdon, Directors. H. Goodell, There's No Choice in Bicycles. to avail themselves of our regular prices. They would buy four dozen eggs lor twenty-five cents, choice butter at fifteen cents a pound, sweet corn three to four cents a dozen, choice The Victor Pneumatic -tire has no rival.

It is more durable than any IS THE BEST MEDICINE tomatoee fifty cents a bushel, water Wise Snyder, for the GcnrrnlAllim-nts of Wurws iron other and the inner tube can be re and Sheep. It purines ilie blood, prevents disease and cure Coiiiilis, Olds. Colic Hidebound. melons two dollars per wagon load. The best beef retails at six to twelve cents a pound, dressed chickens twenty Victors onus.

Distemper, ete. Nothinir nnuik It moved in case of puncture in less Proprietors of the City Meat Market have all kinds of meat which we sell for prices to suit the times. than five minutes. cents each, flour a dollar to a dollar Hop Cholera. Honest and reliable, in honest packages; used and warranted lor over twenty years.

Everyone ownlnc a liorse or cattle should give it a trial. Made by Kmmkrt ruorinrrAKT Chicago, 111. I'ncle Sam's llwanac and We keep for sale a full line of groceries. We get our groceries fresh every are That Utile published weekly ovc al Alaiae, grows quite frantic fsvhcn -iafui-mod that there is such a as newspaper courtesy and qu4.1s loudly because some editors protest the promiscous use of Jt'he sciwaxire without credit. His talk jftbout "isra ing editors' don't go down.

fThe 'wy" usually comes from the pbject that is choked off from the place ivherc it gets it substance, and in this Instance, we think it was forthcoming. The only inner tube removable farmer Jones' Horse Ieal mailed free. weeK. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment We have purchased from Pachard through the rim. Gradle, Walton, Kansas, 6700 lbs.

of for Sprains, Itnilws. Kheumatisni, Stiff Joints, etc. Coesriijlit to the snot of pain. Nothing else so good for Alan and Animal. Try iu- BEST.

GoixanoT.il. I snrxe iurra. K. C. Express Si a.

m. I A.C o. Es. 5 Ua-ta P. m.

I Wichita Ex. 11 aa M. M.Es. II 4i p.m. 1 Freight l3s.

Chicago 8 S3 p. m. TRAIX sxrress north at v31 and Wichita einre youth at lii will hereafter be daily except Son-day. Trains land! daily, between Chicace and Fan Franciseo and Chicago and Galveston, carry palace and tourist sleeper. Eastboand, arrive asr sas City8 15 p.m.

andChicaro 11 60 a-tn. wat-bonnd arrive an Francises a to p. m. Traini 3and4daily. between Chicxgn.

El Pa and southern California via Lintley cot off carry alaee and tourist sleepers. EeaKthuaod arrives City 1 40 p. m. and Chicago 11 SSa. m.

a est bound arrive 1 Pas 12 85 p. lum Angeles 2 0 p. m. San lieco 8 33 p. m.

Trains 4 and 6 "Cannonbair daily between Chicago and i'enver hare vestibule flee perm, free chair cars and dining, ears. Eestdoand. arrive Kansas City 4Up. and Chicaoo 69 a. m.

westouand arrive Pueblo S3 a.m. Colorado Springs 1 45 a- m. and Denvrr 10 23 a. m. 2iot Nos, 8 4 and 6 make connection at Florence for EUordeand McPhertoa branches sad at Stronc City for Abiline, Salina.

Concordia sad Superior. Truus 7 n4.o? Witr, betaeen Denver and Kansas City between ir kana.City and Kansas City and between St Joe and Wichita, aim fre chair cars between Caldwell and Cansas City. No 7 connects with branch trsinsiat Hutchinson. Great bend and Lsnmed. Nus.

IX 43 and 411 are local freight. 417 beisa daily. 3 is daily vetoes, express; Kes. T9 and 41f are daiU freight. Thainpfl has through sleepers arrivias Ft.

Worth 7 13 a- m. and Galveston 11 4 p. m. due at Wichita 6i p. m.

mod Caldwell 9 4 P- ss. flour which we will sell at reduced All Victor improvements are abreast prices, lhis Hour has been proved and For sale by Geo. II. Mayo. tried.

with the times and meet every re Gem 85; Silver Leaf 80; Oak Leaf 75; We also handle the Halstead flour. quirement. 20c. 1-2 doz. "JOE" THE Boss Patent 95: True Grit 95; Cream of and seventy-five cents per hundred; hay is dull sale at three dollars per ton and corn forty cents a bushel.

These are sample prices which rule in everything. The supply being out of all reasonable proportion to the local demand there is certainly no excuse for starving, hut it all goes for naught with those who persist in misrepresenting Kansas. He who lies in ignorance is no ornament to society; he who lies for gain is a had citizen, but those who lie with malicious intent should be banished and colonized on some dry Torgugas where none but themselves would suffer from the blight and besom of their own conduct. Eagle. Kansas 80.

Every sack warranted. If not trood KANSAS. WICHITA, Dring li DacK. "THE engagements between the and Chinese show that both nations have adopted European methods in army and navy. The effect of the training schools in China as well in Japan is apparent in the maneu OVERMAN WHEEL CO.

Coal oil and Gasoline. We will not be undersold, will buv poultry, eggs and hydes and we DETROIT. DENVER. BOSTON. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA.

CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. thank you for your kind patronage. The best Seed Book for 1S94 is VArcHAS'S ARDEHINQ ILLUSTRATED. It UUS tlA whole tory ef Gardening to date.

Splendid colored of the Cannas, Pansies and Sweet Peas, vers of troops as well as the handling It may be that only the best drilled troops have been used up to date, but if those in the field are fciirlv representative of the two armies there will be some hard fighting in the which we received highest awards at the Wise Snyder. Vorld's Fair. It teils yon a boot Money in 4V7 arrives Arkansas City p. sv. tiathna 10 i p.

m. ana rnrccu m. cetables hi the Kojue Additional Locals. 'srden, and contains 1 For information about ticket rates, romttm. FmQ- finable wrdening hints near future.

They play "skiptumaloo" at parlies nas reservations, a-Mreas -r a Urd times' year. We J. K. BAlv, Jlcens. A T.

A 3. Kaa TO THE CITIZENS OF 1 Pkt. World's Fair Pansic, over at Mt Hope. This is all undoubtedly due to the advent of Editor John A YOUNG man was recently found in THE LATEST fwt 1 Pkt, World's Fair Sweet re. 1 Pkt.

World's Fair Canna Seed, witii our cauiloftne, all postpaid for pfs. in stamps, orovidec the Mississippi drowned. On a paper i Sedgwick and Surrounding Country: son into that erstwhile peaceful community. Probably in due season he found in his pocdet was written, "A SOCXETIXS. you name this pa per.

Write today. wasted life. Do not ask anything YAUGHAK'S SEED STORE, will have them educated up to ''Do cee STYLE! Do" and "Miller Sedgwick SEDGWICK LODGE Xtt 139, A. T. A A.

tf-meetain refular commnnicatloa an the art and third Tasaday eveaiaca of each sneeth ia Alaennic Ball. UE.GIUI W. It. Pantagkaph. That is what we call F.

Korr secretary dirty Irish trick" to cast such WW -m 1 ft Ai 1 fl m. calumny at a meek anu lowly follower about me, drink was the cause. Let me die." Within a week the coroner ot St. Louis received over' two hundred letters from fathers and mothers all over America asking for a description of the young man. How suggestive is this fact.

What a story it tells of homes desolated by strong rink. Council Grove Republican. STEPHEXSOX POST. SO. tfA.

DEPART li NT OF KAKSAS. O. A. K. aveets ia Odd ,88 SUUe St 4.

iZltaiclay Sf. who is humbly taking of you in Mara ana in xnis juarKei. I handle the celebrated Canon City coal at this place the best coal on earth m. ef the the glorious profession of lying lor a Palpitation of the Heart Fellows hall at 0 'clock p. Saturday of each month.

E. alaaM.Cess. WIDE BRIM STRAW HATS, living. Mt. Hope Mentor.

P. A I will not be undersold and it will be to your advantage to call Shortness of Breath, Swelling Whenever you hear a man finding SEDGWICK LODGE. KO. 1TJ. J.

O. O. meets at their Ball, ever Cretcaer's FnrBitars DR. WINCHELL'S fsjsjslsajajajajajajilllllllnSBsllllllllWslBn(saaBn(si fault with his local paper, open it up tore every Saturday eveaiac on me oefore purchasing, ole agent at this place practical coal kindler. 20 kindles given away with every ton of coal.

Kindles retail at 1 cent each. Come early before they are allgone. and ten to one he hasn't an advertise M. JUKMAX, be. Jt, Ui.RTIT.a.

U. ment; nve to on he never gives it a eeta ia Odd TEPHESSOS W. K. C. Xe.

i. TEETHING SYRUP Ii the best medicine for all diseases Incident children. It regulates the bowels: assists denti Former price $1 50 $175, $2, job of printing to do; three to one that Felkwa hall the Brat Katanlav aftisaas hall aftussss he'does not take the paper; two to one of each month, at 9 30 p. M. Mrs.

IL TiK-aas, RESPECTFULLY, Itwteat Uakt U. fwi, Secretary. that if he is a subscriber he is a delin quent; even odds that he never does DtTMJn ef aver Fisn's OO AX CAMP. SO, 7S, S. of V.

nwto at hall Just retribution overtook a Sedgwick youth last week. The evilly inclined fellow was chasing a poor little innocent pig around, and it of course struck for the corn field. Aa it started to jump over a growing stalk of corn, it -did not make calculation on its rapid growth and was caught in its branches and carried skyward so fast the boy's head dropped off trying to watch it. Funeral notice of the pig later o-i. IHU Hope Mentor.

We have often anything in any way that will assist "JOE" The Hatter, store, on the and and I th Friday evening the publiher to run a good paper, and Cantaisk tion; cures diarrhea and dysentery to me worst forms; cures canker sore throat; is a certain preventive of diphtheria aud soothes all pain Invigorates the stomach aud boweht: corrects all acidity: will cure wiping In the bewels and wind colic, bs not fat utiie yourself and child with sleepless nhrhts when It Is within your reach to cure your child aud save your own strength. Dr.Jaque's German WormVakes destroy worms ft remove them from the system Prepared by Emmert Proprietary Chicago, Iu, For sale by Geo. H. Mavo Jcbji ItiGAM. First Serseaat.

forty to one that if the paper is a good of Legs and Feet. "For about four years I was troubled with palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I wa3 treated by the best physicians in Savannah, with no relief. I then tried various Springs without benefit.

Finally, I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After beginning to take them I felt better I I continued taking them and I am now in better health than for many years. Since my recovery I have gained fifty pounds in weight. I hope this statement may be of value to some poor sufferer." B.

SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga. Dr. Mies Heart dire is sold on posit) guarantee that the tirst bottle will benefit. All druggists sell itattl, A bottles forte, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of prica toy the Dr. Uilos Medical Co ft Ik hart, lad.

one and full of life, he is the most A.S.Xe.21.LoeaaCampXa. 15. Wrlaloaa Kanaaa.aL or V. L. a.

A. nee eager to see the paper when it comes WICHITA, KANSAS. 1st and 3rd Ineedav nirfat at S. ef V. out.

Ex. Maou RaOaS. Premdesa. alias Lid VTiaa. Sm.

W. G. BLACK, Putnam Points, wondered how the Mentor man came H. Goodell, Q. L.

Anderson. Sedgwick State Bank Pres. Secy. Cashier. Mrs.

R. B. Dunn has been serieusly to swoop down on Mt. Hope so sudden TT O. T.

M. LODGE X0 8 meets 1st sad rd Men ill for the past week but is improving month ia Odd Fellows hall. "dsyof ly. Somebody must have cut the corn -stalk. 11.

a. Mrstjuta. J. Bica. slowly.

Kecord Csepsr. Commander. Auctioneer A goodly number of eur citizens at tended the picnic at Halstead last W.of A- Heet every alternate Wednesday Incorporated under Kansas Banking week. night la the hall in tbeCoturtioa Mock. we think it would not be amiss to congress for an appropriation for the purpose of furnishing seed to those unable to get it otherwise, and to assist law el lyi.

F.L.CeUer. V.C W. M. Congdon, Jr. See.

COPYRIGHTS. CITIZENS' BANK. S. H. Boughtin, of Cheney, is visit hereby give notice to the public 'n eon oral, that rui ory puDiio naies at any ana au unies i will sell iroui the ing relatives here this week.

I OBTAIN A PATENT? For Prompt answer and an honest optnton. write to W. L. Douclas E. 14.

Fulton had the misfortune to CHTXKCHE3. irm xi ak woo ssn ama nearly nuj yea experience In the nateni htuuieMa. rvmaannii the motst needy to get through the Winter. We suggest that petitions be lose a vaiuable horse Friday night. IS THE BEST.

NO SQUEAKING. (INCORPORATED.) 53 SHOE OFFICERS: circulated in every township in the Master Willie Murray entertained a each week And other ipedalUes for V. IIALU, Presdent, Counter or the Farm, wunty axking congress to make such MB. CH CKCH. Keenlar serikea Preaching every tions strictly conMeatiaL A Handbk at In.

formation concerning Patentn and bow to obtain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of meohan. seal and soienttfto books sent free. Patents taken through Slunn A Go. reeerra pedal notice in the HrientiSc American, and thns are broocht widely before the paMiewitb-ont cost to the Inventor.

This splendid parer. Issued weekly, elegantly lllnstrated. has by far the number of his friends Saturday even 8abbath at a. H. and Rabbets at Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys "Hfl appropriation, and that it be done PrOOr.

aiabbath chwa, A. M. Sabbath aebaaa ing. Refreshments were served, after J. Ij.

BUCK, Cashier, P. SCHOUTEN, Sec'y ovary Tbaradav 11:30 a. Piayei meetinc and Kisses are the Best in the World. immediately so tbat it can be present evenini which -J the youngsters departed for irMftWr. at.

jauior Lauw rnaaj, Dwoith Leagma. 80S r. M. argen circniauon or any scientific work Hp In the ed to thi session before adjournment. their homes feeling that thev had a year.

Sample copiea sent rrae. copiea 1 SO. J. A. Datss.

artimi desiring my servicoe will con far a faor1y dropping me a ealrd giving the date you desire. See deacriptlTa advertisement which appears la this Building Edition, monthly. KJOm Tear. 811 iiOa year. 8il DIRECTORS: Residence, first doer east si eaarva.

Congress made cue'r. an appropriation ies, cents. Every number contains beau. never spent an evening more pleasant or eai ana see me. tiful plates.

In colors, and photographs of new DIRECTORS: than the one just past. paper. Taka as Snbtttarte. nouses, wun piana, enaoitnc Milder to snow toe latest deslims and secure onntracta. Address lor parts of old Oklahoma and there is no rvasou why it should not do so again as it will only be a loan to this section Mr.

J. Cohen, of Kingman, is visit Fcrvises MVSX A ax, Nsw Tout. 3tl Bwiadwat. R. W.

Hall, J. L. Buck, G. P. Schouten, WtM.

Congdon, Wm. Finn, UNITED BRKTHREM CHCUCH averv Sabbath at 4 m. at Cooado at Coosdoa havtac W. Im hail. ing at the residence of A.

A. Amidon, S. 11. Shirk, W. A.

Hume. W. Q. BLACK, U. lopping, 11.

Goodell, DOUGLAS' SHOES, Mas. lla IatAsr, Pas log. G. L. Anderson, i at Deo i aa uiu suuiors all have to pay with name and price Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Coble spent Sun lor iaeir lands as well as interest on stamped on bottom. Sold by day with relatives here.

KANSAS. SEDGWICK. pOXGEEQATIOXALCHCKCH. The weakly Vaervieea: Preaching on Sandav at 14:9 a. sa.

Does a General Banking Business. the same until they prove up. Med- The Misses Anna Taylor and Grace William Finn. andtp.m. bnnday school at ll Ja.

T. P. a. lord (Okla.) Journal. 3.000.00 Hill were visiting friends in Wichita YOU EAT BREAD! E.

Sunday 6.30 p. a. Prayer sseatiag Tharsday at OS aa. aaier endaaver batarday a fte noon at 3M W. M.

CONGDON Sunday. ixoiUE are respected, in this coun YOU CAN CURE THAT COUGH WITH Meaaisoa Wain an. 1 Jag. Keir will Bell you the llour. M.

Kirchmer and family were visit Aictell Hospital, ors at the residence of L. C. Howell try Recording as they respect themselves. The laboring man who respecta himself, associates with honest and YOU WANT THE BEST! am Sunday. FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS.

If von want work that is pleasant red prof. table, sendnsyouraddressiuimediatelv. Weteachmea and women how to earn from fcS.OO per day to Lumber Dealers, Keir has it for sale. moral company, and shows a desire to Samuel Hauck spent the THE BARBER. be upright and fair in his dealings, with his parents at Newton.

S.OOO per year without having bad prevloat YOU WANT IT CHEAP! has the esteem and regard ot all who The infant child of Mr. and Mrs, experience, and furnish the employment at which they can make that amount. XotutnK dimcult to learn or that require much time. The work is know him and he never wants for Keir is the man. Albert Wright is seriously ill.

A private sanitarium for dis cases ot women, surgery and the ease, healthy, sua honorable, and can be done dor. Ing'davtime or evenings, right in roar owe local iae icrmers in in is vicinity are job. The laboring man or any other man who ooes not respect hltuselt, but talks murder against everyone who is ity, wherever yon live. The result of fevr busy putting up their hay. The yield In fact on anything in the way Eilert's Daylight Liver Hills A small vegetable pUL Cures Sick Headache.

ConsUpation, Dyspepsia, all Bullous ills and Disorders of the gtwri'ach. Liver and Bowels. is some larger than last year. mnm wm tO fortunate as to possess sufficient ex uour, teed, bran, chop stun, A. W.

Francis is trading horses now. We are the leaders on all jmonaf to employ labor, who expresses apples, produce, For sale by Geo. H. Mayo. EYE and EAJEfc.

Perhaps J. J. Foushee would exchange malignant hatred for al' who do not paints, oils, varnishes and all painters' materials. a lew mocking birds for a good KEIR WILL SUIT YOU. horse.

hours' work often equals a week's wans. We hare might thousand of both sexes and all aftes, and many have laid foundations that will surehr brias; them rienea. Some of the smartest men In this country owe their success In life to the start riven them while in oar employ years ago. You, reader, msv do as well; try It. Vow cannot fail.

No capital necessary. Went von eat With something that is new, sol id. sad saw. A book brimful of advice is free to all. Help yoar.

self by writing for it to-day not to-morrow. Delay are costir. C. ALLEN COX420, AU0C5TA. MAinSt sanction pillaging, burning and rioting, is not respected by anybody, and -will not be as long as he debauches Silas Watts has gone to work just to If yon visit his feed store you I T.

AXTELL, Prop. see how it goes once more. himself with such anarchistic intoxi Office near Soot depot, niid' Cream Eye iahe Caret KwcSfGrantalatetl UdsyVfeak, Tatcrx je, aul all fclndtt of 6ore Eye. It Is Coollnsr, Eleallnr and etrenstaenlias E-rtsry l.ox Gnrantce4, Prices ccntst will see by his prices that W. E.

Brown -and son are quite busy cants and will have plenty of time at his i2Ls poal iu wioh to indulge in his KEIR WANTS BUSINESS! with their immense crop of sorghum SEDGWICK, KANSAS. 307 Broadway, Newton.Ka lbauch. JKx. ANON..

The Sedgwick Pantagraph from Sedgwick, Kansas (2024)


What is the history of Sedgwick Kansas? ›

Sedgwick was laid out on an 80-acre (32 ha) town site in 1870. It was named for John Sedgwick, a major general in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Sedgwick was incorporated as a city in 1872.

What towns are in Sedgwick County Kansas? ›

What is the oldest town in Kansas? ›

In 1854, the City of Leavenworth was founded as the very first city of Kansas. Leavenworth became nationally-known as the "jumping-off point" for the opening of the West.

What did Sedgwick used to be called? ›

History. The Company was founded by Harry Thomas (later Harry Beaufoy) Leonard Sedgwick (1855–1931) late in the 19th century as an insurance broker under the name Sedgwick, Collins & Co. In 1972 it merged with Price Forbes to form Sedgwick Forbes.

What is the wheat capital of the world in Kansas? ›

Wellington is the county seat of Sumner County, and the area is known for the abundance of wheat grown every year. The wheat stalks represent the “Wheat Capital of the World”, the title Wellington and Sumner County has become known through the years.

What is the history of the Wichita Eagle? ›

On April 12, 1872, The Wichita Eagle was founded and edited by Marshall M. Murdock, and it became a daily paper in May 1884. His son, Victor Murdock, was a reporter for the paper during his teens, the managing editor from 1894 to 1903, an editor from the mid-1920s until his death in 1945.

What is the history of Medicine Lodge Kansas? ›

Medicine Lodge

In February 1873, a town site was laid out, and a general store had been built by the summer. During this time up through 1879, the town was basically a trading post for hunters and the Indians. Medicine Lodge is named for the river that is on the west side of the town.

Who did Sedgwick buy? ›

Recent acquisitions by Sedgwick
Acquired onAcquired CompanyFacilitators
May 19, 2022Orchid Medical-
Dec 07, 2021JND Legal Administration-
Dec 03, 2021abesim-
Nov 19, 2021Temporary Accommodations-
17 more rows
Jul 22, 2024


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.