Military Racism: Red Tails and the American 332nd Fighter Group (2025)

A Cartography of Resistance: Leadership, Management, and Command

Keith Grint



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A Cartography of Resistance: Leadership, Management, and Command

Keith Grint


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  • Published:

    August 2024


Grint, Keith, 'Military Racism: Red Tails and the American 332nd Fighter Group', A Cartography of Resistance: Leadership, Management, and Command (Oxford, 2024; online edn, Oxford Academic, 22 Aug. 2024),, accessed 30 Sept. 2024.





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The history of race discrimination in the US generally, and the US military in particular, meant that the struggle to secure a foothold in the American air force was long and difficult. With President Roosevelt seeking Black electoral support, the decision to facilitate a Black air squadron led, eventually, to the 99th Fighter Squadron and ultimately to the 332nd Fighter Group. The Red Tails, as they became known, saw action across the Mediterranean theatre, protecting conveys, and escorting bombers, as well as on ground attack sorties, and were notable for their disciplined approach that kept them close to the bombers. In turn that meant they were less likely to shoot down enemy fighters—and were disciplined for this—but they more likely to do what they were supposed to do: protect the bombers. Throughout the whole period the pilots and ground crew had to cope with constant racism from other aviators and from the military establishment but their professionalism and persistence eventually saw their integration into the air force, the first branch of the US military to do so.

Keywords: Red Tails, Davies, 99th, 100th, 310st, 302nd Fighter Squadrons, 332nd Fighter Group, 477th Medium Bomber Group, Tuskegee Institute


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Collection: Oxford Scholarship Online

A Cartography of Resistance. Keith Grint, Oxford University Press. © Keith Grint (2024). DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198921752.003.0014

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